Tim Hobbs

Port Orchard, Washington, United States 360-876-4821 http://hobbscene.com

I originally went to school to get into recording music. While in school I realized how much I loved working with computers. From 8 years old I was working with the flavor of the day. I remember spending hours typing in code from various Commodore mags to see a dot travel across the screen, only to lose everything when I turned off the PC. Needless to say I was happy when we got our cassette recorder.

My passion for the PC was turned into an obsession when I first ran across this thing called the internet from my local BBS provider. I remember downloading Mosaic and being blown away. I soon began viewing code to figure out how people were doing all these cool new things and thus my love affair with the web was born.

I haven't looked back since...

Technical Skills

Like: .net, c#, css, jquery, html, sql, java, svn, visual-studio, razor
Dislike: php


2010 - Current Senior Web Developer - Independent Contractor for Evan-Moor

Senior Web Developer, peer mentor and system architect

Responsibilities include:

  • Transitioning of Webforms to MVC
  • Driving implementation of new processes/technologies
  • All responsibilities mentioned below
2003 - 2010 Senior Web Developer - Evan-Moor Educational Publishers

Senior Web Developer, peer mentor and system architect

Responsibilities included:

  • Maintained and created MSSQL database tables
  • Implemented CCNET build server using SVN repository, MSBuild and StyleCop
  • Used SubSonic ORM for data access class libraries
  • Created ASP.NET C# Webforms for multiple web sites
  • Enhanced existing .NET web services
  • Created ASMX web service to generate single use tokens for home school user group that allowed the users to receive a subscription discount
  • Created Lucene.net search engine indexer/searcher and class library for use in sites
  • Created CSS/JS minification code to optimize web sites
  • Developed and enforced code patterns and practices
  • Created TeacherFileBox.com using ASP.NET/C#
  • Added jQuery and plug-ins to enhance existing web site functionality and user experience
  • Utilized NUnit to develop unit tests for class libraries
  • Created user controls to enable code reuse across different sites
1996 - 2002 Product Development Engineer - DMX Music, Inc.

Product Development Engineer

Responsibilities included:

  • Maintained and monitored live broadcast playback Linux PC's at remote Long Beach, CA facility using telnet and FTP
  • Created monitoring web site to monitor playback status of Long Beach facility PC’s using Linux, Apache, HTML and shell scripts
  • Created shell scripts to parse playback logs and send email alerts with playback status issues for monitoring web site
  • Stress tested existing and new hardware for endurance and integration with existing hardware
  • Created internal task management tool using ASP Classic/VB Script and MS Access database
  • Developed internal remote FTP management tools for customer service using VB6 forms
  • Created bootable CD-ROM playback system that utilized custom BIOS to lock playback of CD content to our hardware
  • Created numerous Linux shell scripts to automate repetitive tasks:
    • Telnet tasks, FTP tasks, file management, etc.
  • Wrote user guide for Profusion X and Profusion DS playback hardware


1992 - 1993 A. A. Music and Video - Art Institute of Seattle

Projects & Interests

October 2009 - Current Stack Overflow - http://stackoverflow.com/users/189937

Written 64 answers. Active in javascript and jquery.

MVC Guestbook | Hobbscene.com - http://hobbscene.com/code/mvc-guestbook/
asp.net-mvc, c#

This was my first foray into ASP>NET MVC. I decided to go a little “retro” and create a guestbook. It helped that a guestbook would be a pretty simple app too.


Star Rating plug-in | Hobbscene.com - http://hobbscene.com/code/star-rating-plug-in/

I found various star rating plug-ins for jQuery but none that behaved exactly the way I wanted. I decided to give it a shot at writing a jQuery plug-in. This is what I came up with.


Flash Pageflip | Hobbscene.com - http://hobbscene.com/code/flash-pageflip/
flash, actionscript

Flash pageflip app based off some source from PageFlip v2.13 coded by [email protected].


November 2011 - December 2012 GitHub - BarcodeHttpHandler - https://github.com/timhobbs/BarcodeHttpHandler

Http handler for creating barcode images

December 2012 GitHub - MvcCustomAttribute - https://github.com/timhobbs/MvcCustomAttribute

This is a fully-functional demo site to highlight the use of a custom validation attribute. The attribute is a conditional validator that uses another property's value to validate against if a certain conditon is met. There is also jQuery validation as well as unobtrusive validation.

December 2012 GitHub - Todoozle - https://github.com/timhobbs/Todoozle

Todoozle! is the obligatory "todo" app created in backbone.js and utilizing ASP.NET WebAPI for the server-side technology.

February 2013 GitHub - SteamBot - https://github.com/timhobbs/SteamBot

Bot for interacting with Steam Trading and Chat